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Download KI KD Bahasa Inggris SD Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017
If you are a teacher or a student of elementary school (SD) in Indonesia, you may have heard of KI and KD. These are two important components of the Indonesian curriculum that guide your learning process. In this article, you will learn what KI ", which is a higher-level skill. For example, the indicator 3.1.1 for Bahasa Indonesia is: "Memahami makna surat pribadi sederhana yang berisi ucapan terima kasih, permintaan maaf, dan permohonan." This means: "To understand the meaning of a simple personal letter that contains expressions of gratitude, apology, and request."
Why are KI and KD important?
KI and KD are important because they help teachers plan and deliver effective lessons, help students understand what they need to learn and achieve, and help stakeholders evaluate the quality of education.
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Download File: https://nycokforpi.blogspot.com/?cy=2vy9Ku
Benefits for teachers
KI and KD help teachers align their teaching methods, materials, and strategies with the curriculum standards and students' needs. They help teachers design learning activities that are relevant, meaningful, and engaging for the students. They also help teachers assess the students' progress and provide feedback and remediation.
Benefits for students
KI and KD help students focus on the essential skills and knowledge they need to master, as well as develop their spiritual and social values. They help students set their own learning goals and monitor their own learning process. They also help students apply their learning to real-life situations and problems.
Benefits for stakeholders
KI and KD help stakeholders such as parents, school administrators, and government officials monitor and improve the educational outcomes and quality. They help stakeholders communicate and collaborate with each other to support the students' learning. They also help stakeholders ensure the accountability and transparency of the education system.
How to download KI and KD?
KI and KD can be downloaded from official websites such as the Ministry of Education and Culture or the National Education Standards Agency. These websites provide the latest and previous versions of KI and KD for all subjects and grade levels, as well as other related documents such as syllabus, lesson plan, assessment guide, curriculum framework, learning model, etc.
Download from the Ministry of Education and Culture website
The Ministry of Education and Culture website provides the latest version of KI and KD for all subjects and grade levels, as well as other related documents such as syllabus, lesson plan, assessment guide, etc. You can access the website by clicking on this link. To download the files, you need to follow these steps:
Select the subject you want to download from the drop-down menu.
Select the grade level you want to download from the drop-down menu.
Click on the "Download" button next to the file name.
Save the file to your computer or device.
The files are in PDF format, so you need a PDF reader to open them. You can also print them or share them with others.
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Download from the National Education Standards Agency website
The National Education Standards Agency website provides the previous version of KI and KD for all subjects and grade levels, as well as other related documents such as curriculum framework, learning model, etc. You can access the website by clicking on this link. To download the files, you need to follow these steps:
Select the subject you want to download from the list on the left side of the page.
Select the grade level you want to download from the list on the right side of the page.
Click on the file name to open it in a new tab or window.
Right-click on the file name and choose "Save link as" or "Save target as".
Save the file to your computer or device.
The files are in PDF format, so you need a PDF reader to open them. You can also print them or share them with others.
In conclusion, KI and KD are two important components of the Indonesian curriculum that guide your learning process. They are used to define the core competencies and basic competencies for each subject and grade level. They have many benefits for teachers, students, and stakeholders. They can be downloaded from official websites such as the Ministry of Education and Culture or the National Education Standards Agency. You can use the links and steps provided in this article to download them easily. We hope this article has helped you understand more about KI and KD and how to download them.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about KI and KD:
What are the differences between the latest and previous versions of KI and KD?
The latest version of KI and KD is based on the 2017 revision of the 2013 curriculum, while the previous version is based on the 2013 curriculum. The main differences are in the number, wording, and level of KD for some subjects and grade levels. For example, the latest version of KD for Bahasa Inggris (English) for grade 6 has 36 indicators, while the previous version has 40 indicators. The latest version also uses simpler and clearer verbs, such as "membaca" (to read) instead of "mengidentifikasi" (to identify), and "menulis" (to write) instead of "menghasilkan" (to produce).
How to use KI and KD in online learning?
KI and KD can be used in online learning as well as in face-to-face learning. Teachers can use KI and KD to design online learning activities that are aligned with the curriculum standards and students' needs. Teachers can also use online tools such as Google Classroom, Zoom, or Kahoot to deliver and assess online learning activities. Students can use KI and KD to set their own learning goals and monitor their own learning process. Students can also use online resources such as YouTube, Wikipedia, or Quizlet to support their online learning.
How to update KI and KD regularly?
KI and KD are updated by the Ministry of Education and Culture or the National Education Standards Agency whenever there is a change or improvement in the curriculum. Teachers and students can update their KI and KD by downloading the latest version from the official websites or by subscribing to the newsletter or social media accounts of the ministry or agency. Teachers and students can also update their KI and KD by attending workshops, seminars, or training sessions organized by the ministry or agency or by other educational institutions.
How to integrate KI and KD with other subjects?
KI and KD can be integrated with other subjects to create a holistic and interdisciplinary learning experience for the students. Teachers can use thematic or project-based approaches to design learning activities that involve multiple subjects and domains. For example, teachers can use the theme of "environment" to integrate Bahasa Inggris (English), IPA (Science), IPS (Social Studies), PPKn (Civics), Seni Budaya (Arts and Culture), etc. Teachers can also use cross-curricular links to connect KI and KD with other subjects. For example, teachers can use the link of "communication" to connect Bahasa Inggris (English) with Matematika (Mathematics), Pendidikan Jasmani (Physical Education), Prakarya (Crafts), etc.
How to differentiate KI and KD for different students?
KI and KD can be differentiated for different students according to their abilities, interests, preferences, and backgrounds. Teachers can use different methods, materials, strategies, and assessments to accommodate the diverse needs of the students. For example, teachers can use scaffolding, grouping, peer tutoring, or enrichment to support or challenge different students. Teachers can also use multiple intelligences, learning styles, or student voice to engage or motivate different students.
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